Paperless Greetings Cards

Better for the Environment

Send unique personal greetings without them using a lumbermill, cardboard/paper, cargo ships, planes, lorries, and postal vans.

Worldwide, billions of paper and card greetings cards are used every year. Ecards give you an additional way to cut down on the amount paper and card you use, without being restricted in the number of personalised cards you send throughout the year. We are not suggesting that traditional printed greetings cards should go obsolete. But a significant reduction in their use would certainly contribute towards a better future for nature and ourselves.

life-cycle of a traditional greetings card.

  • Trees are cut down to produce wood pulp*.
  • Cardstock is transported from mill to distributor.
  • Cardstock is transported to greetings card printing company.
  • Envelopes are produced from paper.
  • Printed cards are distributed to wholesalers.
  • We go to a store or go online to buy cards.
  • The card is written and mailed to the recipient.
  • The card is transported to a regional mail sorting centre.
  • The card is transported to our recipient.
  • The card may be sent for recycling or may go in landfill or be burned.

*Use of recycled material in the greetings card industry is partial.

A Papermill

The Ecardstudio app runs on cloud servers from Ionos. Check out their environment commitments here.

"As a consumer, the way you use and dispose of paper and other paper products greatly affect our paper waste. These small efforts on your part will be a valuable contribution in the resolution of our pollution problems today."

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